Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica

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Block Aggregation Optimization Model for Grid Pattern Maintenance in Urban Network


  • Received:2013-01-21 Revised:2012-12-13 Online:2014-04-20 Published:2013-12-19


In this article we present a mixed-integer programming model for urban blocks aggregation, aiming to maintain grid pattern after road selection. This model firstly defines the objective function to quantify the grid pattern maintenance, composed of four evaluations namely compactness, hierarchy, arrangement consistence and aggregating directionality. Secondly, four constraints are built ensuring effective and efficient aggregation for the target scale, including aggregating scale, stroke deletion, conjoint aggregation and connectivity. Finally, the whole urban road network are divided in to several subregions with high-level roads, and the aggregation problem are decomposed into independent subinstances to model to maintain both the skeleton and grid patterns of the urban. The mixed-integer programming model can be solved by optimization software CPLEX. We tested our method for a dataset of the official German topographic database ATKIS with input scale 1:25,000 and output scale 1:100,000. We also compare results of this model with existing map data. These tests allow us to conclude that our optimization method yields high-quality results for both global and local patterns maintenance.

Key words: Map generalization, Urban street network, Grid pattern, Optimization

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